The Start-Up Project on Smart Cities begins, coordinated by the FUE-UJI

The Start-Up Project on Smart Cities begins, coordinated by the FUE-UJI

On December 10, the first transnational meeting took place between the partners of the Erasmus + START-UP for Development project, coordinated by the FUE-UJI, through the EuroFUE-UJI. An online meeting, led by EuroFUE-UJI, which has served to lay the foundations for the implementation of this project on smart cities and start its activity, starting from the presentation of the logo and the elements of its corporate identity.

This project, whose main objective is to train experts in smart solutions to promote smart cities in small municipalities, has brought together its consortium in this online session to analyze the project idea, objectives, planned activities and expected results, designing a action schedule for the next few months. The European project Start Up for Development, with the acronym START UP, will be implemented for 28 months by a consortium coordinated by EuroFUE-UJI and made up of four other entities from different countries: the private training and tourism institution Kocatürk Danismanlik (Turkey ), the ARID Association (Poland), the Regional Development Agency and Business Support Center for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Bulgaria) and the Non-Profit Society for Alternative Innovative Development (Greece).

Start up for Development is based on the premise that small municipalities are alien to the concept of smart cities, since they cannot afford to have experts in smart cities among their technicians. Therefore, the objective of the project is to prepare a course for trainers who will be able to give municipalities a clear and complete explanation of what smart cities would be, so that they can implement concrete actions aimed at turning these small municipalities into smart towns.

Follow the START UP project on social media: Start Up for Development

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